Inpatient Senior Care

Senior Care Inpatient Program

Senior Care services at Johnson Regional Medical center is a 20 bed secure unit for seniors 55 and older who are experiencing psychiatric symptoms that require 24-hour acute inpatient treatment. These psychiatric symptoms could be mental health or dementia related.

Patients are seen in person daily by a psychiatrist specializing in Geriatric Psychiatry. Typically our patients stay about 10-14 days. The patient rooms are both semi-private and private hospital rooms. The patient will be assessed by the team of clinicians under the direct supervision of a psychiatrist.

A treatment plan approach is developed during the stay with the multi-disciplinary team, the patient and patient’s family. The focus is restoring quality of life and improvement of day to day management of symptoms.

A daily schedule of treatment related activities is designed to provide each patient with opportunities to focus on a strong recovery. Medication management and education plays a significant role in psychiatric stabilization and treatment of our patients.

Discharge planning begins soon after admission to the program. The goal is to provide a seamless transition to the best environment for the patient’s continued success.

While a physician can and often does make a referral to the program, anyone can make a confidential referral to the senior care geriatric programs. The referral can come from a health care professional as well as a layperson.

For more information, call 479-754-5490 or fax 479-754-4889

Visiting Hours

Monday – Sunday: 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Contact Us

Phone: 479-754-5490

Fax: 479-754-4889

Program Facts
Discharge Information

Average Length of Stay

7 to 14 days. The length of stay can be shorter or longer depending on the necessary treatment.

Treatment Team Meetings

Families are encouraged to attend by phone.

Please call to schedule a time with our Social Worker, 479-754-5543


Please remember confidentiality is very important to all of our patients.

Each patient upon admission is assigned a unique code number for visitor usage, as a method of protecting the patient’s privacy. Patients or guardians/POA’s are responsible for giving out this code to the other necessary family members.

Items to Bring

  • 3 changes of comfortable clothes
  • Non-slip shoes
  • Pajamas and robe, non-slip house slippers
  • Sweater/light jacket
  • Personal Items


Upon Discharge, medications will be called-in and all questions will be answered. Follow-up plans will be discussed and families educated.

At Discharge, you will be asked to complete a Satisfaction Survey. Please help us recognize employees who have exceeded your expectations and share with us your expressions of our program. Your input is very important to us.

Approximately 2 weeks after the patient discharges a staff member from Senior Care will call to check on you. Please let the discharge nurse know the best way for us to contact you.

Staff members are here to help you during your stay. Please call the main number and ask for staff directly.

  • Raymond Clark, MD
  • Russell Matkin, PA
  • Jody Moenning and Erika Martinez, CTRS Recreational Therapist
  • Andrea Edgmon, LCSW PRN Social Worker
  • Nola Newton, MA, CRC Program Direct
  • Sonja McCuen, Discharge Planner

Psychiatric nurses and aides are available any shift to assist you as well.